Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good Ideas and carts before horses?

I need to clarify that the intention of procuring this Lighthouse is to complement the existing educational efforts in place amongst various entities. The agreement to do this actually needs to precede implementation of outcomes of such an agreement. The Lighthouse opportunity comes as a cart before the horse and is in reality just a tool to accomplish the work that would be outlined from the proposed associations.Time has brought along many good and some great ideas. The vast majority of which never leave the drawing board due to a variety of reasons. The main one being lack of building the capacity to actually put into practice the ideas formulated on paper, computer etc...And most ideas fail to materialize because of faulty timing and lack of proper organization. This idea for development of the lighthouse into a learning center is no different. The gun contains no magic bullets, it will take a great deal of work to accomplish. It could be a lot of fun and create a great learning opportunity for countless individuals. First though it has to have an agreement amongst key players that see the value in the proposition. So far there hasn't been one iota of written word in support for the proposition. Some great conversations but as of yet no substantive agreements or work. Time may run out for the lighthouse acquisition but that does not mean we cannot move forward with reaching agreements on creating real world learning environments with some of the ongoing efforts with the Marine Museum at the core of these understandings. Truth be known that this HAS to happen concurrent to any proposal under consideration.
If you are reading this and are hesitant to self publish your thoughts just email me, Jim Bates at and I will post your comments. Otherwise just sign up for a Gmail email account and publish yourself. Life is extremely short and what you hold near to your heart deserves to be shared with like minded people so please help to build the understandings.

1 comment:

john said...

You are correct Mr. Bates, "The work must be done first, with intention, protocols, vision, etc all in place before the plan moves forward."